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Ivy 1vybridge
Gentoo user


Michael Weiss primeos
Matrix:; Note: I have more time during weekends.

@primeos-work Germany

Nithin gnknithin
A Researcher by Cognition. A Developer by Practice.


Andrey Mavlyanov amavlyanov
*nix admin, SPbLUG ex-Coordinator

Digital Activity Rishon LeZion, Israel

Romulo Vieira da Silva rgvsilva

@kaltura Petah Tiqwa-Israel

Wouter Lucifer rash1981
Find a way or make one

Design Party Program the Netherlands

Gersona gersona

Antananarivo, MG

Curtis Doty dotysan
Pushes bits through a series of tubes.
Xavier Knol XEJK
I am a security analyst/researcher
Mark Hakansson markhakansson
I have no idea what I'm doing

Ductus Luleå, Sweden

Joanna White digitensions
Developer @bfidatadigipres, open source fan | Python | Bash (her/she)

@bfidatadigipres BFI National Archive Berkhamsted / Lincoln

Arkadii Yakovets arkid15r
Cybersecurity lead (OWASP Nest, OWASP Nettacker), open source contributor, home automation enthusiast. A perfectionist with deadlines.


Mehmet YILMAZ mehmet-yilmaz
Broadcast Engineer & Software Developer

Karlsruhe, Germany

Sam Tripp sbt92

@madetech Bristol, UK

Matías Agustín Méndez matagus
#django #python #rust

Chicago, IL

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Georgi D. Sotirov gdsotirov
An IT professional with interests in databases, operating systems, virtualization and software development.

Sofia, Bulgaria

Thomas Merz thomasmerz
Linux since 1994. Motördad since 2005. Metal since cradle. Supporting Digitalcourage, EFF, FSF, GI, Mozilla, Pi-Hole, Red Cross, Syncthing, Wikimedia, …

Family Karlsruhe, Germany

Benjamin Rukundo rukundob451
Open Source enthusiast |Healthcare AI & ML

student Kampala, Uganda

Giuliano Panzironi giulianopz

@EnterpriseDB Rome, Italy

Francesco Romani ffromani
Geek from the previous millennium. Flips bits from 0 to 1 and back. Linux user. Wearing a red hat. Personal account:

Red Hat Italy

Arjun Sunil Kumar arjunsk
"It always seems impossible until it's done." - Nelson Mandela

@aws Sunnyvale, CA

Shin.Ice ShinIce
GPG: F5CD 6E88 D390 C74E B1F8 8DB1 69BA CDC7 2DC7 CEF5

Germany, Neusäß

Charlène HG chachathecool
programming is fun ✨😃


René Kuhn RocketRene
each one, teach one


Revath S Kumar revathskumar
Rubyist / JavaScripter

@Saloodo Calicut, Kerala / Köln, Deutschland

Sara Petti sapetti9
Life curious. Relentless learner. Library lover.

Open Knowledge Foundation Bologna

Pflegende Angehörige pflegende
Wir sind pflegende Angehörige und versuchen in dieser Situation einen Raum zu bieten & geschützte Zeit, denn daran fehlt es uns. DDP516↑A5120↑PDP11↑U880↓SAP Thüringen / thuringia

Dillenhub github-world192
我是dillen 我寫軟體


Joël Galeran Jolg42
Senior Developer • TypeError: undefined is not a function

@Prisma Berlin, localhost