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Daniel Fichtinger ficcdaf
Master's student, programming enjoyer.

Queen's University Kingston, Ontario

Masoud ~ 007dude
Driven by curiosity… Eternally curious, Effortlessly trying, Endlessly learning. Let’s connect and create something amazing.

@VectorDBCloud @ReguNav @LLMCompass @Monetizing-Cloud @LLMHubCo @SanctionMonitor

Ivan Kyser Osila ivanosila
Bookkeeper | iOS Developer (Claiming 🤞🏼)




Zadkiel AHARONIAN aslafy-z
Linux lover and OSS enthusiast. Currently working at @ccl-consulting on scalable @kubernetes platforms.

CCL Consulting Toulouse, France

Stamati stamatim
Full-stack engineer interested in automation, cloud infrastructure, building delightful interfaces, and shipping quality software


Leo G. vLeov
HI, I'm Leo :)


Vladyslav pashynskykh
DevOps Engineer, GNU/Linux enthusiast, FOSS and privacy activist. This account is used only for contributions. Personal projects are hosted on Codeberg.
Jay ThatSealgair
Computer Engineering and Machine Learning Student at the University of Queensland


Dawid Komisarczuk komidawi
I'm a Computer Science and Programming enthusiast :) Nice to see you here!

AGH University of Science and Technology Kraków

Kent Leo Makibulan iamkentleom

@AetherApps @FlipToons Cebu, Philippines

Padya DattatreyaReddy
Flutter + Full stack Developer @ofbusiness

Ofbusiness Gurugram

Tristan tristanclarke

@ebay Sydney, Australia

erwan elepallec

Nantes, France

Gabriel Scatolin CypherPotato

Project Principium Brazil

Dino Conte dermitdemdino
in #hückeswagen und der #krummhörn unterwegs | #linux #fedora #developer #foss #fediverse #datenschutz | #leseratte | mag #klassik #kirche #dackel und 💘 carmen


Front-end engineer architect @prismamedia and open source developer

@prismamedia Chambéry, France

ZeStig zstg
I use Arch BTW. Free software aficionado

@lugvitc @stratos-linux @The-CCC /home/stig

Gökhan Alkacir Sacquer


Cyp Cyp9715

Seoul, Republic of Korea

Zoltán Antal zoltan-antal
Software developer specialising in full-stack web development

@TNG – TNG Technology Consulting Berkshire, UK

Hari Haran haritvsmurali
Analog by Birth! Digital by Design! 🧭


Roman Skorobagatko romanskorobagatko
Music producer, guitarist from Ukraine.

Ukraine, Kyiv