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Leutrim Shala lshala


Tianchi YU lialittis
keep foolish, keep hungry

Technical University of Munich Munich, Germany

Darwin yue123161
卑以自牧 含章可贞


BoB 12th Vulnerability Analysis
Heric Pan HericPan
Undergraduate at the University of Leeds. Love animation production.

University of Leeds Fujian, China

Hernan Gatta HernanGatta
Software Engineer at Opaque Systems


Adrian Herrera adrianherrera
Security Researcher @interruptlabs | PhD @HexHive

Canberra, Australia

Sage Lee glishijie

Xcalibyte Shanghai

Argianto Rahartomo SuikoHero38
Researcher and Developer

Indonesia, Germany

pwddd pwddd
Jan de Muijnck-Hughes jfdm

University of Strathclyde Europe

Fedi Abichou Fedi-Abichou
Information System student at the technical university of Munich

Munich, Germany

FoodChain FoodChain1028
Foodchain && Blockchain && zk

@social-tw @uog-zkp-lab @nethermindeth Earth

Benshan Mei mbs0221
Happy Hacking!

UCAS Beijing

Simon Bohnen simonbohnen
Studying CS at TU Munich, part of CDTM | prev. UC Berkeley, @Quantco, @OroraTech



The University of Edinburgh

yale cyw3
Program Analysis | Compiler | Virtual Machine
Niklas Ladurner ladnik
Computer Science @ TUM
Kacper Darowski Opisek
Computer Science Student at TUM • Embedded Developement • IoT Firmware and Circuit Design • Self Hosting • Competitive Programming

Technical University of Munich Munich

Silvio Marano SMH17
Software engineer, tech enthusiast, trader freelance and m0r€#! TOXME.IO Lookup ID: silviomarano

SMH17 Italy

Eason Pan superway117

深圳智播科技有限公司 PRC, Shenzhen/Shanghai

Real person based in Paris but not French. I try to keep here quite private.