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Esperanza Fornes FornesBorja
Android Developer. Passionate about building intuitive mobile experiences. In proccess of training as a Full Stack developer web


Mandy Spaan MandySpaan
Full Stack Developer 💻
Best regards! 👋 I'm Astrid, a dedicated and aspiring Full Stack developer who is currently on a transformative journey at GeekHub Academy.
Anna Hidalgo Costa annahico
Greetings! 👋 I'm Anna, a dedicated Junior Full Stack Developer and Data Analyst.😁


Fidel fidelfsd

GeeksHubs Academy Spain

María Lázaro marialazarov
Full Stack Developer 24 años Madrid


STG SergioTorresGarcia
Full Stack Developer

València, Spain

Ana Rius ariusvi
Fullstack developer - Design and Creativity
Carlos Ibáñez Lamas CariblaGIT
Full Stack Developer on GeekHubs Academy


Marina Escrivá Salvador marinaescriva
Graphic and UX/UI designer. Full Stack Developer in progress.


Pedro Rondón pedrowolfr
Full Stack Developer (charging) Graduate in Customs and External Trade


Vanessa Brito vanbrigo
Full Stack Developer


Bienve Ladrón ladronbx
Fullstack Web Developer : React Redux JavaScript TypeScript SQL MongoDB PHP Laravel Tailwind CSS


Pedro Gardim pedrogardim
Founder of @light-stand

Lightstand Valencia

Vincenzo Donnarumma vincenzo2202
Full Stack Developer


Vicente García VPG17
Web Development Student. IT SysAdmin. Feel free to contact me!

Palma de Mallorca, España

Carlos Vasquez carlosvasquez7
Just a guy who want learn coding.
Eduardo Kiriakos Edkiri
Full stack developer. I enjoy programming and philosophy more than anything.

Valencia, España.

Carlos Redondo RedkarRiv
Full Stack Developer. I love learning new technologies and getting involved in new projects of all kinds.

GeeksHubs Valencia

Antonio Toscano A-Toscan
Restless bootcamp student
Jorge Luis Martin Lorenzo jorgelmartin
Full Stack Developer

GeeksHubs - Full Stack Developer Valencia

Camila Nieto CamilaNieto-Centennial
Graduate of Centennial College in the program of Software Engineering Technician course. Full Stack Developer & Software Engineer.


Anastasia AnastasiaKosovets
Full Stack Developer🚀

Spain, Valencia

NermineHm nermine-eng
A software engineering student at UPSSITECH engineering school by day,a geeker consumed by a fervent passion for code that burns well into by night.
Àlex Moya Alexm0u
Geekshub Academy student
