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Chernov Yevhenii chernov-yevgeniy
Student of Zaporizhzhia national university. I am a full-time student studying Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence


Sullivan Prellwitz SullivanPrell
Software Engineer @ McDonald's

McDonald's Wisconsin

Elijah McNamara Elijah10000
Frontend Associate Software Development Engineer @Travelport and NCI Computing graduate.

Travelport Dublin

Daniel G. DrSpaniel
CU computation arts. i love video games!

Montreal, Canada

ToxicFlame427 ToxicFlame427
Hobbyist mobile application developer. Sophomore of Computer Science.

Minnesota, USA

Alexandre ETEOCLE alexwrite
🚀 Entrepreneur étudiant d'une vingtaine d'années, administrateur systèmes et réseaux aspirant à créer des solutions plus accessibles et durables.

@Write-Heberg Bourg en Bresse

YaShhhhz YaShhhhz
machines & code.
Ryan ZongyaoRen
Torben Schweren Kitt3120
I love coding, Linux and Japan

Julius Gerulaitis Zhalktis

@CGTrader Kaunas, Lithuania

bubu loicbujard9
debutante dans le dev est desire en apprehend plus

Bujardservice suisse

Vlad ualodzka
Pressing buttons until something works


Billy Ray Valentine elemonader
"May I suggest using your night stick, officer?"
GlitchBuddy GlitchBuddy
Just another guy in a hub of gits

England, UK

William Jose G Vasquez MIllan wjgvm
Empresario, CEO de Operador C.A. Desarrollador de aplicaciones e investigador.

operador spa Chile

Artan Muzhaqi muzhaqi16
Full stack web developer specialized in JavaScript MERN stack as well as converting caffeine into source code.

Full Stack Web Developer Remote

The Artifex 4r7if3x
Polyglot Full Stack Engineer


Altaks Altaks
I'm currently 20yo, self learner

IUT La Rochelle France

Bruno Menslin brunomenslin
Software Engineer @ totvs


Sik' sikelio
Young DevOps trusting Open Source

@FrApp42 France

Axel Le Bot axellebot
Software and network engineer

France, Lyon

I do stuff.


Matthias Viehweger kronn

Puzzle ITC Berne, Switzerland

Hasan Hakkaev hasanhakkaev
Software Engineer

Vienna, Austria