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just a web3 & ai student
MrDeadCe11 MrDeadCe11
Solidity Dev.


Syed Ghufran Hassan syed-ghufran-hassan
Electronics engineer by profession and software developer by passion. Alchemy University EVM Chain Certified.


Anton Radionov antrdnv

Riga, Latvia

Yahia yahiamarzouk
Web Developer

@Nation3 Remote

链栈 warrenween
blockchainer、bioinformatics、bitcoinist 、medscientist chengdu

Sayo wtfsayo
The ticker is $ai16z


earth2travis earth2travis
Product guy and Web3 mercenary

Limited Austin, TX

0xbeny 0xbeny
Stay curious

The Dragons Team Earth

Majid Shobeiri shobeirimajid
Software Developer. Fluent in C#, Javascript and Solidity.

@majid.shobeiri Germany

Artiom Kovnatsky skovnats
Data Professional | Mentoring Coach


amber buchtela Abuchtela
Contributor, developer, community member, moderator, designer….

freelance iowa

G2 sirgawain0x
Entrepreneur/Buidlr/Crypto Enthusiast

@creativeplatform Worldwide

Ramesh Pallikara rampall
DevRel @ EthSwarm - code 🐵 travel 🐼
The Official DM TheOfficialDM
When I'm not writing, I'm a student of life, constantly seeking to improve and grow. I enjoy lifescaping and cherish the time spent with my family.

The Official Dm Atlanta, Georgia

leaf mj5219054
It is better to manage the army than to manage the people. And the enemy.

Code generation of bt planet Four ocean land creatures in the northeast of the solar system three seconds above the Milky way

Noah Brooks epsilon-638

Atlanta, GA

Chris Johnston CJohnDesign
Generative AI Miami

jeffreywdonahue jeffreywdonahue
Ethereum enthusiast / Here to learn.

Centered AF Metaverse

sun sunui

jd beijing

Hritwik Tripathi 3scava1i3r
Defi x Nfts count me in


TW TravisWyche
Death to Videodrome. Long live the new flesh!
