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Giovanni Della Dea giossaurus
Computer Science @ FAM | Researcher @ Lab404 UFBA |

@senoritascc São Paulo

mayulu mayulu

ISV Shanghai

Jhonatan de Oliveira jhonatanoliveira1

Accenture Brasil Ribeirão Preto - SP, Brasil

Michael Montanaro montymi
Full-Stack Developer, Computer Engineer, Athlete, Music Enthusiast

Boston, MA

D4LM D4LMwastaken

@LHSCoding @Golden-Aleksei @LargoYouthLeadershipCouncil Somewhere

Rafael Carneiro Rafaelmdcarneiro
I'm CEO of O2D, a Brazilian software development company. Rust enthusiast!

O2D On Demand Development Brazil

Taming Techs TamingTechs
Scripts para automação de procedimentos e processos (Bash, Batch e PowerShell). Estudando as bases p/ as áreas: QA; Cultura DevOps/ DevSecOps


Satoru Satoru-Man
I'm always learning something new, whether I want to or not.

SoHo Switzerland

Rafael Dos Santos Alves Rafael-dev2
Sou estudante de Ánalise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas

Limeira - SP

Kaio Matos kaio-matos

Brasil, São Paulo, SP

Walisson Aguirra walissonaguirra
Programador Backend @php

@ege-solucoes Brasil, São Paulo

Roberto Jr robertosouzajr7
Desenvolvedor FullStack, especialista em React js, nextjs, javascript js e Node js

Salvador, Bahia, Brasil

Clebert F. clebsf
Hello!! I'm a Senior Software Engineer with more 10 years of experience. Specialty in progress: Java with Spring.
Misael Kelviny da Silva MisaelKelviny
Software engineer with a passion for front-end new tech, designing experiences, and user interfaces. 3D enthusiast and creative solution creator.

Pouso Alegre - MG

Victor Hugo victorhdsp
Sou desenvolvedor front-end com 2 anos de experiência, atualmente aprendendo backend e me aprofundando em algoritmos em geral.

Brasil - São Lourenço, Niterói, RJ

Sérgio Berlotto Jr berlotto
TechLead, data scientist, backend developer, pythonist, agilist, linuxer, father of my awesome boy, husband of my awesome wife.

@JetBov Joinville-SC/Brazil

Washington Pires washingtonserip
Software Engineer

Uberlândia, MG, Brazil

Lis solismesmo
Cadet at @42sp • Software Engineer • Business Intelligence

São Paulo - SP, Brasil

Pedro Tomaz Alves mastermt

Paitom TIC Cuiaba/MT/Brazil

Leônidas Pedro LeonidasPedro
Estudante de Sistemas de Informação na Unochapecó - programador rails no Observatório Pollen
Eduardo Fabricio Eduwilll
Cursando Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas na FATEC - Campinas. Developer and Cybersecurity Enthusiast

Campinas, SP

Djonathan Krause ThisIsDjonathan

Blumenau, Santa Catarina. Brazil.

thazsobral thazsobral
❤ Hacking Life

Pirassununga, SP, Brazil

Jefferson Pires jeffersfp
DevOps Engineer

São Paulo, Brazil

Samuel Delgado Samuelplim
Open to work, react-native, javaScript. Front-end, back-end.

freelancer Boa vista roraima

Mike Brummett GoDjMike
Started w/ tensorflow in 2015 | 2x SaaS founder | Bad news, I actually like TS/JS

Solopreneur (AI/ML, SaaS, B2B) Kansas City, MO

Leonardo Castelo Branco de Melo lcbm
Be the change you wish to see in the world. Also, the One Piece is real 🏴‍☠️

Recife, Brazil

Andre Piantino piantino
Software Engineer in TJSC, with 20 years of experience in Web development.

Florianópolis -SC / Brasil

Rodrigo rodrigosimoesrosa
Passionate about math, astronomy, sports, music, and nature. Android Specialist with extensive mobile experience, and a blockchain enthusiast.

@platoscience São Paulo - SP

Ramyres Aquino ramyres110
Analista Desenvolvedor | Desktop & Fullstack | Delphi | Node | React & Professor

@Totvs Goiânia - GO

Guilherme Santos guiisanntosd
Incessante curiosidade em saber como tudo funciona! // Code your life with coffe.

Kalyst Brazil

Douglas Pimentel DouglasPimentel
Never give up!

São Paulo, Brazil

Lucas do Nascimento kidoncio
Fullstack Developer - TypeScript, Vue.js and Node.js.

DreamShaper Palhoça, Brazil