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elias ayaach eayaach
Estudiante de la Universidad Católica de Chile
Florencia IT Recruiter FlorenciaRecruiter
Lic en Psicologia Especilizandome en reclutamiento y selección de personal IT. Envianos tu cv a [email protected]
Victor Ruiz vruizz22

Santiago de Chile, Chile

Sergio Cortés scortes5

Santiago, Chile

Jaime Alonso C. jialonsoc

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Antonio Escobar Robertson AntonioEscobar01
Software Engineering Student @ PUC, Chile.
Mateo L. endlessloop2

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Chile

Tomás Pfingsthorn Cuevas topc01
Software Engineering student at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Juan Pablo Gelmi jpgelmi
Striving to learn self taught. Constantly learning and creating innovative projects.

Engineering UC student Chile Santiago

Cristobal Alcaino crisalcaino99
I'm an applied math major. A personal goal of mine is to build an emulator of nds one day. However I'm far behind yet haha. If you know about it please reach.

Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile Chile

Diego Lobos Venegas dlv237
Software Engineer PUC

Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile Campus San Joaquin

Ignacio ibgarrido
Data science PUC

Santiago, Chile.

Emmanuel Norambuena eanorambuena
Application Architect

@open-source-uc @emmyjs Netherlands

Vicente Pareja VicentePareja
Estudiante de Ingeniería de Software de la Universidad Católica de Chile. Contacto: [email protected]

Santiago, Chile

Pedro Pablo Zavala Tejos pedrozavalat
Computer Science, PUC Chile.


Rorro Ogalde rodrigoogalde
Entrepreneur & CEO at FastPass Software Engineering Student at PUC Chile
