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Badast Badast
data science, ML, NLP, XR, web3
David Lopez lopezdp
go hard in the paint.

Miami, FL

Chetan Sachdev cksachdev

Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Just a person who likes games and computers.


Miguel Oswaldo Yepez Gonzalez ingmiguelyepezcivil
Soy Miguel Yepez, ingeniero civil con experiencia en Venezuela y Chile. Me especializo en BIM y me interesa explorar nuevas tecnologías como AR y VR. Busco ser

Mieke Roth The Netherlands

Luis Vidal luisvidalvidal
Ingeniero Civil en Informática, licenciado en ciencias jurídicas y programador de videojuegos

LEK Chile

Shannon Leigh shanalex1
UX/UI Design, UC Santa Cruz Silicon Valley

San Francisco, CA

-DigitalMaster- TheRealDigitalMaster
Currently working on a few projects.

<----- this is a building

Matheus G. Spartalis spartalisdigital
Social entrepreneur Developer VR / AR Co-founder of Edutech Human, Creative and Intelligent University (UHCI).

UHCI Cuiba, Mato Grosso, Brasil.