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Jinyu Bai buaabai
ars longa, vita brevis

Beijing, China

baishuo HanBaishuo
Shandong Agriculture And Engineering University
Kaijie Yin exaids66

university of macau Macau, China

JimmyLauren liujianisme


vagranter galaxy-vagrant
Strive to achieve the level of a second-grade code scholar with the simplicity of elementary school knowledge.


Du jinyang Charles2530
a student in Beihang University since 2021
Anirudh Thatipelli Anirudh257

PhD at CRCV, UCF Orlando, Florida

Phoenix Phoenix8215

CASIA BeiJing China

Mustang Kong mustang2247
No money No fredom

PayBlock BeiJing

Javaneh Bahrami JavanehBahrami
Computer vision/Deep learning


uranus Yu uranusx86
NCKU Digital IC lab
舞影凌风 pengwei1024
Do it! Be cool! Have fun!


sx Du Feng-Sir0

Capital Medical University China

epiphany keep-happy123
a deeplearning newcomer/ Area: medical images segmentation.


Jerry Sun auniquesun
A Ph.D. candidate, enthusiastic to 3D computer vision and multi-modal learning.

Renmin University of China Beijing, China

玖亖伍 gsw945
9️⃣ 4️⃣ 5️⃣ love technology, favorite language is Python 👍 ; using 🐧 Linux OS(Ubuntu) usually.

pathea games Chongqing

Hertz isLinXu
world is large model.


