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Kirill Sukhorukov K1rsN7
‍💻 Data Scientist | 👨‍🎓 Student

Searching... Russia, Nizhny Novgorod

💼 Software Developer | Artificial Intelligence and Full Stack Enthusiast

Irmak Tekin irmaktekin
Backend Developer

Mugla Sitki Kocman University Manisa

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Büşra (Bushra) Kurt bushranovaaa
Beginner in Software Development and Cybersecurity | Learning and Growing in Java, Python, Dart & Flutter | Interested in Mobile App Development


Volkan Kaya Voleloper
CO Founder - Serryvol & Oscar LTD
Barış Can Yönel barisyonel
Front End Developer


Murat Acun Acun9
Software Engineer


Onur YILMAZ onuryilmaze
Hello everyone! I am an Environmental Engineer since 2013. You are in the profile of a candidate to learn coding from

@patikadev Kocaeli/Karamürsel/TR

Hafize Zeynep Özcan ZeyOzcann
A beginner software developer candidate.

@zeyozcann ADANA / TÜRKİYE

Ahmetcan Topçuoğlu ahmetcantopcuoglu
Hello I'm Ahmetcan Topçuoğlu , I'm 28 years old and I'm from Turkey I'm Electric-Electronic Engineer , I was graduate Kutahya Dumlupınar University


Safa Kaya safakaya56
I am Safa. I am a student studying computer engineering. I am not advanced in this "code stuff" at the moment but I learn fast and I always improve.
Turgay trgysvc
I am currently focusing on game development and software development. I want to produce creative projects in these fields and offer dynamic and fun experiences
Nazile Nur Çakır nazilenur
Computer Engineering Student/2nd year
Rozerin Söner Rozaaa375

Çukurova University

Sait Yıldız snyl10
I'm 18 year old.I am going to university next year. My aim is MiS Managament Information Systems on Dokuz Eylül University. I am very new in coding etc.

@Kodluyoruz Aydın

Abdüssamed Erkalp Abdussamed-1
🔬Science&Book&Blog | Molecular Bologist👨🏻‍🔬 | Data Scientist ~ Developer| Quantum Porgramming Developer

Unılab Vision

Emir Arda Tomac emirardatomac
🔭 I am currently working on improving my skills in Java. 🌱 I am learning Python and Kotlin. 👨‍💻 You can find all my projects here. 💬 Feel free to ask me

Student Ankara

sinemcobanligrbz sinemgrbz
Business Analyst | Jr. Front-End Developer


Selcuk Arıkan selcuk-code-mod
Junior Frontend Developer | Education Consultant | Sass, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, ReactNative

Frontend Developer /Education Consultant@ OnlyJS Academy Istanbul/Turkey

Osman osmanaktrk
I am currently studying Bachelor Applied Informatics at the Erasmushogeschool Brussels.