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Somewhere between music, sound, and technology. Developing analysis tools for music @UniversityofCologne. Teaching sound programming @hs-duesseldorf.

University of Cologne Cologne, Germany

Facundo Franchino cucuwritescode
audio programmer, multi-instrumentalist/composer & electronics engineering with music technology student from argentina.

York, UK

Mark Gotham MarkGotham
Computational methods for music theory, analysis, & composition. Corpus study. Widening access.


Shawn shawnpinciara
Developer, juggler and musician.


Federico Simonetta 00sapo
Post-doc researcher in computer science. Music, audio, text, cultural heritage, speech, emotions, medical acoustics, neovim, Linux.


Federico Del Gaudio delaudio
Software Engineer & Creative Coder

@t60digital Turin, Italy

Nicola Ariutti ariutti

Limulo Milano, Italy

Jafet Figueroa jafetf
Comunicólogo de formación, Maestro por convicción, Músico por afición y Papá por puro amor 🖤🎵🎶

Guadalajara Jalisco México

Roberto Barumerli robaru

University of Verona Italy

Davide Andrea "Murivan" Mauro Murivan
Sound and Music Computing

KreativInstitut.OWL Detmold (Germany)

Massimo Santini mapio

Dipartimento di Informatica – Università degli Studi di Milano Milano, Italy

Ceciglia ceciglia
Music informatics student

Università degli studi di Milano

Bachelor degree in Music Information Science and masters degree in Computer science from the University of Milan


Huan Zhang anusfoil
Annushka has already bought the sunflower oil, and has not only bought it, but has already spilled it. So the meeting will not take place.

Center for Digital Music London