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Chris Coleman ChrisColeman14532
Indie Game Developer

Coleman Gaming New York

Calvin calvinmorett
Building [helpful & fun] tools and projects. Python, creative coding, frontend design.
Dylen Turnbull DylenTurnbull
Developer Advocate @nginx

NGINX Community Team Eugene, Oregon

Mark Kusper ns-mkusper
I mostly use Gitlab


Ryan David Ward ryandward
PhD student. Developing tools using bioinformatics and automation. Identifying essential genes in bacterial pathogens using CRISPRi for antibiotics research.

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Seth I. Seth833
New programmer with a solid set of fundamentals. Always looking to expand and learn, please comment/critique any of my code.
Shawn Mealey mealeyst
Senior Software Developer (Web) at Daily Harvest. Pawling, NY

Casey McCarthy casey-mccarthy
Data Systems Engineer, USMC
Nick Gal nickgal

Riverside, CA.