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Sébastien VIAL Shyrogan
Computer passionate always looking to learn. Student @ University of Montpellier

@TransitionsAg France, Montpellier

Pauline pauliesnug

@pulseflow @polyfrost somewhere in space and time

Ethan ⛺︎ sixfourtwelve
I write code, that makes computers go brrr.
Samuel Buena miscsb

Stony Brook University

Someone SomeoneSerge
Applied mathematics, inverse graphics, computer vision (dense image correspondences), Nix

Independent + Aalto U, former HSE & Skoltech Helsinki, FI

Kevin Roosey kevinroosey

Depaul University Chicago, IL

Trey Granderson tgrander
Front End Engineer

New York, NY

Vangelis Bouzoukas vangelis-b

New York, NY, United States

Bruno Dias diasbruno
(and ☕ 🛹 🎾 🎼 λ)


Jennifer Huynh jennhuynh02
Software Engineer | UC Irvine 2018 Typescript, React, Redux, Node.js, Ruby, Rails, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
clov clovisphere

Nairobi, Kenya

Finley FinleyMcIlwaine

@anduril Redmond, Oregon

Adam Singer adam-singer

@TraceMachina San Francisco, CA

StepBroBD stepbrobd

Northeastern University Boston, MA

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

Phillip Nielsen philnielsen
Making computers do things they don't want to do. Currently @MercuryTechnologies , Formerly: @braze-inc @Journera @capitalone

MercuryTechnologies Chicago, IL

Peter Becich peterbecich

Cisco Meraki Long Beach, CA

Parsaloi Nakuoh Parsaloi
Application Architect * Domain-driven Designer * FP apprentice

Africa, Earth

Galen Sprout augyg
Live Laugh Love, Functionally

Ace Interview Prep

Léana 江 leana8959
Living my best life on the verge of insanity

Ateme Rennes, France

George Kurtyka gkpdx

@MercuryTechnologies Portland

piq9117 piq9117
"I don't know how many years on this earth I got left. I'm gonna get real weird with it." - Frank Reynolds
Ulric Wilfred shamansir
computer graphics, m○stly generated. ⸬ any λanguage, but ƒunctional ones are preferred. punk of a progr⭑mming. made nice stuff. still doing nice stuff.

Munich, Germany

Nicolas Stalder faultymajority
You believe in your thing and we believe in science. Spend your pennies and your dimes on some new appliance.
