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Gaurav Sablok sciencegenome
Algorithmic Bioinformatics, Plant/Microbial Genome Analysis, Deep Learning. Welcome, accept every submitted job offer.

I read and write scientific data-structures and computing. Not a single book, blog teaches you how to write specific code Germany

Paula Martínez García paula-mar-gar
Computacional Biologist, Bioinformatician and Biotechnologist.

CBMSO Madrid

HVG-Ninja's sagar-vaghela
My works: ✔ NextJs, ReactJS, Redux, NodeJs, NestJs, Prisma, ChatGPT, Mongo, Postgres ✔ JavaScript/TypeScript, GatsBy, Supabess ✔ API Integration,Responsive

Pune, India

Ellie Theofili psychedellie
Bioinformatician & Molecular Biologist @ the Central Public Health Laboratory

National Public Health Organization Athens, GR

Ernst Bablick ernst-bablick
Software engineer, expert in programming distributed applications such as workload management systems (Open Cluster Scheduler former Univa Grid Engine)

HPC-Gridware Germany

Austin Richardson audy
Head of Bioinformatics @onecodex

@OneCodex San Francisco, CA


Houston, Texas

Schaudge Schaudge

Shanghai, PRC

Tao Chen sharkLoc

Shang hai

Struggling struggling13
Bioinformatics --fish
benben-miao benben-miao
PhD student at Xiamen University, Engaged in biological research and innovation in bioinformatics. The developer of HiPlot, OmicsSuite, TOmicsVis.

Xiamen University China

Neng Huang huangnengCSU
Bioinformatics, Genomics

Dana Farber Cancer Institute & Harvard Medical School Boston

shengsheng shengs-UCAS
Life’s pathetic, let’s pythonic.
I am very interest in Bioinformation.
爱几个扣扣 aijigekoukou-shen
Tengfei Shen

Nanjing Foresty University Nan jing; China


Roslin institute UK

WeiWenjie wjwei-handsome
Ph.D. Student @JianYang-Lab

Westlake University Hangzhou

Sheng Wang shengwang

Kunming Institute of Zoology. CAS Kunming, China

Hongchao Ji hcji
I'm Hongchao Ji, a Principal Investigator at CAAS, specializing in developing MS-based data analysis methods for proteomics and metabolomics.

Agricultural Genomics Institute at Shenzhen-CAAS Shenzhen, China

Postdoc Associate

University of Minnesota Minneapolis

jasmine jiamin2010
biology programming writing