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jc jcsaar
hi :) i enjoy making projects


Ravin Nagpal Ravin06

@Yes-but-No @Singapore-Students-Merger

Daksh Thapar DakshRocks21

@swiftinsg, @Yes-but-No, @geekshacking Singapore, Singapore

Liam Totodile-Liam
i don't know how to code.
Kairos Tay Kairos-T
honk shoo mimimi

/home/kairos Singapore

Callum Quek Haedn Callum-HQ
Inconsistent DEVELOPER
Diontae Low ddionteh
An enthusiastic developer specializing in Artificial Intelligence, with proficiency in building web applications and software analysis design.
Julian Totodile-Julian
Account for my project Totodile science research :)
pengs pengsies
serial personal project procrastinator also why remote when local?


Qin Guan qin-guan

@opengovsg Singapore

Ben Woo benwoo1110
Code. Create. Coordinate.
Tan YM 45tera
-Lvl 1 Script Kiddie