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i have no mouth and i must beatbox
Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Nawres barhoumi Barhoumi-Nawres
Embedded system engineering student |industrial computer

Tunis Tunisia

Alexander Salas Bastidas ajsb85
Global citizen, coder with good taste, workaholic and ubergeek 👨🏻‍💻

@firechip Barcelona, Spain

Rodrigo Gobbi losgobbi
That's me!!! Around 12+ experience (and counting...), working with embedded world and Android (AOSP). Blog:

Porto Alegre / RS / BR

D Adkison derricka83
Intermediate level developer working on building an web3, mobile app and entertainment empire.

Kumplex Media Holdings Group LLC Seattle, Washington

Aldo Adirajasa Fathoni fathonix
Learning and trying to be better in every way, everyday.


Charles Dias CharlesDias
Embedded Software Engineer at Virtus | M.Sc in Electrical Engineering | RTOS | Embedded Linux | IoT | C, Modern C++

Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brasil

Luis Carlos Absalón Rojas Torres LuisCarlosRojasTorres
|C++ (QT) | C# | Python| Developer| DSc. in Offshore Structures (UFRJ) and A happy married man! ;)

RedTower Soft Curitiba

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"ระฟท หำพกำแผืรำ ทน่ฟ นหนินไนหแ ะน ไรำสาฟ ืรำไรฟกนทฟ ไผนพน ไหผัหะารแ้ ยพผำพนผืรนืัแ้ หาฟกใ ณฏ


Nayv nayvcake


Henry Barreto henrybarreto
Software developer specialized in Back-end.

@shellhub-io Brazil, Bahia

Roger Pinho rogerpinho
Estudante de Eng Civil na UNEMAT

Tangará da Serra - MT, Brazil

gessecarneiro gessecarneiro
Technical Sales Engineer and Open-Source enthusiastic.


Otavio Salvador otavio
A Embedded Systems Architect and businessman passionate about technology.

O.S. Systems Brazil

Francisco Coelho xicopitz
Young developer that loves hard challenges.

Lisbon, PT

Jonathan Gonzaga JON95Git
Embedded Software Engineer

AmericanPharma Technologies, Inc Campinas - SP - Brazil