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Frimpong O. Baah bafr0w
There is always a way to solve that problem. Do not stop till you find it.


H windhooked
practitioner of software arts; having fun; making things go; software engineer; architect; coder; maker Current Interests: lean ledgers, zig, data and AI

@lunarforge in orbit

d0sse d0sse
let null : NSNull? = nil 🤯 //Developer @NETTunoSrl and @Route220

Milan, Italy

Heinrich J Nel FifoTheHein

Code Collective South Africa

João Dematé Jr joaodematejr

@DemateSistemas Florianópolis Brazil

Md. Noweshed Akram noweshed-akram
I'm passionate to develop mobile applications and games. I'm also interested in animation. My current work mainly focuses to develop mobile applications.

Mir Info Systems Ltd Dhaka, Bangladesh

Bruno Silva brunodp89
Desenvolvedor Front-End | Desenvolvedor Full-Stack | ReactJS | APIs REST | Javascript | Node Js | Typescript | SASS | HTML | CSS | Git |
Pascal M oceanborn2

Ile de France, France

Eduardo Talarico dudushy
Close your eyes and open your mind!

@shyland-dev Brazil

Juan Sebastian sanchez sebasrock

Mercado Libre Bogota, Colombia