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Mathew Agustin Bella matsyui
Pursuing a lifelong learning journey and always striving to improve


Giocoliere giocoliere
I'm working at the @creepercraftnet / @otakuforge & @creeperhub projects. "A human..i guess"

@creeperhub & @otakuforge Europe

Joshi Minh JoshiMinh
Love Cool Tech Stuffs.

Viet Nam

It's Me!!!!


Marcos Sandoval marcos1394
soy un ingeniero quimico apasionado por la tecnologΓ­a y contribuir en proyectos que aporten valor para las organizaciones y la sociedad

Los Mochis, Sinaloa

BL06-404 BrunoLlanes
πŸ’» Student in programming.




Druid Matt druidmatt
IT & Cybersecurity Specialist | Love video games and supporting communities; Minecraft, Vintage Story, Project Zomboid, Linux: Debian & Unbuntu
Hao Dong imaxct

@Microsoft Redmond, WA

What are you doing here?


IncrFunc IncrFunc
Java is the best language in the world!

Xiamen University

Emil Elpu7
A nerd with glasses who writes awesome code :]


Luigi Massa GGNado
19yo POLIMI student πŸ“• & Java Dev β˜•οΈ. I love doing web apps πŸ’» and Minecraft Plugins 🧩

Elis Roma

Lucas TheodoroL
Young man who is learning to code :) with a focus on back end development. Currently studying the 5th semester of TADS at UCDB.

Campo Grande Ms

zionfuo zionfuo
Do Nothing!

Hong Kong

dercrafter dercrafter-168
Harry Potter fan | Slytherin πŸ’š | #DA | 18 Jahre alt | Hobby Programmierer | Owner von @dercrafter-Networks & LLC | DEV von @MoonGehauenNetwork | 08/08/2022

@dercrafter-Networks Germany

Bennett Schwartz GustyCube
I like computers, I guess


Carlos Hipolito Carlushoogspike
Student bei @pucpr, Ich bin neugierig, lerne gerne und lerne ein wenig Deutsch, Englisch und Italienisch. Brazil
Evgenii Miltcev Ange1ofHope
Hardware Engineer, Researcher, Team-lead

Decast Moscow