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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


TzuHsuan Hsu TzuH-Hsu

@imCloud-IMSL Taiwan

ChenJingMu cjm736267102


Ricardo Maia ricardo310580

Salvador - Bahia - Brazil

Maxence Depire maxence-depire
French student in IT engineering. [email protected]

EHB Toulouse, France.

Israel Ludolf iLudolf
Software Engineer

Globalsys Espírito Santo

Danilo Díaz Tarascó ddtdanilo
Electronic engineer with a passion for developing IoT devices, programming solutions, and building cloud-based applications. Always curious and eager to learn

Planet Earth

Sergio Uribe suribes

Uriberg Invest AS

Sid T. S. Kidd csu12ram
Blinding you with science


Mārkrø Hrödebért lmarkrol
An Arcanist blending mythical tech and logic to invoke innovative creations in the art of technology

Mappletree Business City, SG Shire, Harvey, Western Australia 6220

Enthusiastic Millennial 🤓 I ❤️ problem solving! #LINUX #OSINT #RPi #arduino #rtlsdr #VSCode #COFFEE #MINIMAL
Koustubh Sinkar ksinkar
𑀬𑀼𑀓𑁆𑀢𑀺𑀬𑀼𑀓𑁆𑀢𑀁 𑀯𑀘𑁄 𑀕𑁆𑀭𑀸𑀳𑁆𑀬𑀁 𑀩𑀸𑀮𑀸𑀤𑀧𑀺 𑀰𑀼𑀓𑀸𑀤𑀧𑀺𑁇 𑀬𑀼𑀓𑁆𑀢𑀺𑀳𑀻𑀦𑀁 𑀯𑀘𑀲𑀢𑁆𑀬𑀸𑀚𑀁 𑀯𑀾𑀤𑁆𑀥𑀸𑀤𑀧𑀺 𑀰𑀼𑀓𑀸𑀤𑀧𑀺𑁈


Yuriy Sergeev yuriysergeev
I'm keen on DevOps and Go & Python, a little bit playing with raspberry pi & microprocessors.
Renato Araujo RenatoExpert

Shogun Automacao Brazil

Maciej Brencz macbre
I enjoy investigating how software works under the hood (this also includes situations when software does not work and has to be fixed)

@automattic Internet


KUNBUS GmbH Esslingen

Sebastian Bräske TantaL73

AFS-Computertechnik GmbH Usingen / Germany

Ha Tran hatran3e
EE Engineer with the passion for Embedded devices and IoT application

Koidra HCMC

five above infinity 5inf
Embedded Problem Solving


Chr$$ Ekkohng
Self thought through the shoulders of giant Blogs, Stackoverflow and several Github repo.


Aula Jazmati aula9
(PhD) in Electronic Engineering
Lukas Zech lukas-zech-software

Lukas Zech Software Augsburg