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Siddharth Harsh Raj siddharthharshraj
Software Developer | Open Source Contributor | Focused on building robust, scalable solutions | Constantly learning and growing, one step at a time 🚀


Albert Strasheim alberts
Engineering @Rippling

Rippling San Francisco

Raghuram Korukonda kraghu306
Staff Engineer - Cloud Infrastructure @ Linkedin

Linkedin India

Jason Bariamis moutro
Frontend Developer


Vijay Soni vs4vijay
Engineering @microsoft

@microsoft India

Yangming Li yml-blog


Huan He ameer886

Rippling New York

Dhruv Jain dhruvkjain
Developer | DAIICT 27 batch | GDGC DAIICT Core member


Ben Weis bweis
Senior Software Engineer and Burrito Enthusiast | Ex-@google, Ex-@cisco, Ex-@salesforce

Rippling New York City

Sarthak Dalabehera TypicalDefender

Bangalore, India

B.F. Dimmick bdimmick

Rippling Seattle, WA

Jeffrey Chuc jeffreychuc
Software Engineer at @Rippling

@Rippling San Francisco, California

Shreyasi Barman shreyasibarman
Software Engineer - Frontend

@Rippling Bengaluru, India

Antas Sinha antassinha

Rippling Bangalore

Andrew Qiao qiaoandrew
CS @ UWaterloo | Prev @ Snowflake

@snowflakedb Waterloo, ON

Richard Watson richardwatson
Mostly work on private repo's, will throw something public up.

Sydney, Australia

Pramod Vidyarthi pramodsvidyarthi
Front End Developer, #javascript enthusiast,passionate for #html, #css, #nodejs, #web-development, game for learning and embracing new technologies, love nature


Aman Kapoor ammankapoor
Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it
