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Zhewen Yang yangzhewen
Computer Engineering PhD student at Northeastern University

Northeastern Univeristy Boston

Avaneeth Anil avaneethanil
IoT | Robotics | Industrial Automation | Python | Machine Learning | Deep Learning | Web Development | SPICE | MATLAB |

Boston, Massachusetts

Guodong Chen frozzzen3
Computer Engineering PhD student at Northeastern University.

Northeastern University Boston

Mayank Chadha mayankchadha28
SoftwareDeveloper • EmbeddedSystems DigitalTwins • IoT • Robotics • WebDevelopment • Cloud • AR/VR • MachineLearning • HMI • IndustrialAutomation

Northeastern University Boston, MA

Talk is cheap show me your code


Wisp LYB926
No comment.
Frank FrankJingHao
Undergraduate Student of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Gemwise Gemwise
working toward the PhD degree in the Zhejiang University. My research interests include virtual reality, video streaming.
Junhua Liu junhua-l
PhD@USC. VR/AR; AI Codec; HCI; ML for networking. Prev: CMU, Harvard, FNii


To learn, to code

Beijing Institute of Technology Beijing

Mikasa jsw-zorro
PhD Candidate@UMich CSE Bachelor@USTC SCGY CS

University of Michigan

Ahmad Hassan ahmadhassandebugs
PhD Student @ USC ECE

University of Southern California Los Angeles

Yu Qian yuqian2019

SUSTech Shen Zhen, China

DuLina(杜丽娜) haitian2du

山东建筑大学 中国-山东-济南

Mallesh malleshamdasari
Assistant Professor

Northeastern University Boston

GongQianyun GongQianyun2018

nankai university tianjin, china

Ryan Huang ryanhuang1014

Nanjing University Nanjing, China