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Eremite's Point 3r3m1t3
[prototype] A non-profit informal scientific & business dating club & lab. Please, feel free to explore the capabilities and develop the idea.

Umbrella Int. Glocal

Sushilkumar Yadav SushilkumarDev
👨‍🎓 Mechanical Engineering '25 | 💻 Java & Web Developer | 📊 MySQL Beginner | 🛡️ Cyber Security Enthusiast


Sevdiği işi yapmayı seven insan.
Yiming Zhang Cypher-Z

Tsinghua University

Thomas K. randominsomnia
male. ~45 years old. sometimes grumpy, always hungry (correlation likely). i'm a linux/bsd sysadmin and cynical misanthrope extraordinaire, also i like brains.


Souyama sansmoraxz
Archmage 魔法使い Still learning new things


Sanskar Bhushan sbdtu5498
I am Sanskar Bhushan, a 23-year-old programmer who is interested in almost everything.

@obmondo West Delhi, Delhi, India

❯_ Python and Rust aficionado 🐍🦀 previously @sogilis and @Orange-Cyberdefense

Nuabee France

Michael Paepcke paepckehh
Infosec / OSS Security Supply Chain / Cloud-Hybrid (local-first) / FreeBSD / OpenBSD / NixOS / Go ... and having fun with local LLM's.

Hamburg, Germany

Marcel Baklouti marcelbaklouti
a bio

Wiesbaden, Germany

Levent Sagiroglu LeventSA

@NetYazilim @HasHolding

David Chaves dac

Vancouver, BC, Canada

Aditya Sanehi adityasanehi
Python, Node, and lots of fun!


वेणु गोपाल vg
Code is poetry.

@vg @vgk @vgk2 Universe

Nacho Alamillo nalamillo
PhD Law (thesis about the eIDAS Regulation), Lawyer, CISA, CISM. More that 20 years in PKI & identity space. Member of ETSI ESI, ISO/TC 307, CEN-CKC/JTC 19

Astrea La Infopista Jurídica SL