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15 repositories
- Source code for building a custom Serious Sam Classic game executable that includes quality-of-life features.
- Source code of the mod that comes with Serious Sam Classics Patch that fixes more intricate issues and expands gameplay possibilities.
PublicModule with core functionality used by other modules such as Serious Sam and Serious Editor executables.API
PublicPatched module with special functionality for integration within stock Serious Sam tools such as Serious Editor, Serious Modeler and Serious SKA Studio.EnginePatches
PublicModule with dynamic patches for Serious Engine 1 functions that can be selectively applied to specific modules.- Source code for building custom Serious Editor executable with extended functionality.
PublicPatched module specifically for Serious Engine 1.07 with certain fixes for SKA models and shaders used by them.ExamplePlugin
PublicSource code for building custom Dedicated Server applications that includes a lot of modern enhancements that aren't present in vanilla Serious Sam Classics.SuperProject
PublicWorkspace with everything under a single solution to provide an easier workflow across multiple projects at once.XGizmo
PublicA library of useful headers for Serious Engine 1..github
PublicShell of the mod that comes with Serious Sam Classics Patch that includes resources necessary for properly running it.