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Maynuddin Bhuiyan maynuddin-bhuiyan
Greetings! I'm a dedicated Full Stack Developer. My journey reads like contemporary technology React.js, Next.js, Redux, and the artistry of Material UI.

CodeThinker Dhaka Bangladesh

Alexey Elizarov beautyfree
Fullstack developer


Vaibhav Malaviya vaimalaviya1233
Backup & Android enthusiast.


Minh Thư thuphan27379
Old lady coder


Benjamin Maziku Mashimba benny-png
Python geek </>, polymath🤓, Computer Vision and ML practitioner👨🏻‍💻, Scientist🧪, Marvel fan 🕷... For the love of science and Tech! 🚀

UDSM 3D Robotics TANZANIA University of Dar Es Salaam

Czuje się jak ksiądz, kiedy proch zamieniam w sos, bo tu trafiony los jest rzadziej niż 1 na 100 = )


Cléber Júnior DwCleb
Mobile Software Engineer

Ada Health Porto - PT - From Brazil

mustafa zahid mustafa5762
I'm a full stack developer who loves coding, binge-watching TV shows, and playing video games. Let's create some awesome projects together
Nikolay Shurkalin NasCorp
Wizard Software Engineer Warsaw

José Escoli joseescoli
IT infrastructure & SAP Basis Admin. I like coding in different languages. Currently learning Full-stack webdev. HTML, CSS, SCSS, Javascript, React.

Empresa de Energia Argentina

Danial Manavi DManavi
Senior Software Engineer | AWS | NodeJS | TypeScript | Python | C# | Azure | React | FullStack developer | Web Developer | IT Consultant


Sendy Putra sendyputra
- Marketers 💹 - Full Stack Web & Mobile Developers 💻📱 - Bad UI Good UX 😍 - Always Learning 📚 - Obi & Ucup Father 🍼👶🚼


Eduardo Fernandes de Souza eduardo854
I'm an experienced software developer with a passion for creating elegant and efficient solutions to complex problems.
Gabriel Sá gabrielhjs
Team Leader | Backend Developer


Joshua Santiago jSantiago318
Software Engineering Student in Puerto Rico

San Juan Puerto Rico

Harshal Shende HarshalShende
💻Full Stack Developer at TechDev36 🔭Social Media Manager 🎯 Web Developer & Android, ios Developer | Freelancer

TechDev360 India

Zin Myo Maung phoelapyae
Fullstack Web Developer

Bangkok, Thailand

Tuan Duc Tran tuanductran
I am a Front End Developer (VueJS, NuxtJS) | UI Design (Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS) and Community Development.

@vnodesign Viet Nam

Yoshimasa Kuroyama ys319

@mediaimpact Kyoto, Japan

Ahmad salman aldrek
Software engineer - React and Node.js

Palestine, gaza

修昊 Svtter
Hacker, Painter and Django Developer. Candidate for PhD in Computer Science.

Doctoral Candidate@USTB Beijing

Nury Amanmadov amanmadov
JavaScript | Node.js | Express.js | React.js | MongoDB | .NET | Python | Salesforce

University of Washington Seattle, WA

Mostafa Ayman MostafaAE
Software Engineer

EFG Holding Egypt

Douglas Antonio Braga Novato douglasabnovato
Developer Javascript | React - Growth Hacker

@douglasabnovato Juiz de Fora - MG - Brasil

Jitto Joyes Jittojoyes98
Occasional open source contributor. SDE @qburst | Building, breaking and Building again.

Qburst Kochi

Marcelo Petrucio MarceloPetrucio
CEO Flowish WhatsApp/Telegram +55(17) 99636-7391

Decoleira | Flowish São Paulo - SP