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Reza Rashidi rashidyreza
master student of Geodesy
zhou ping zp-9696
A student graduated from Chang'an University , currently engaged in LEO+GNSS data processing

Chang‘an university Chengdu,Sichuan Province

Matej Varga mvarga1989
CEO&Co-founder of ScanBIM GmbH ETHZ postdoc

ETH Zurich

Bowen W. Bownnw

Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ Berlin, Germany

ShaoguangGuo shaoguangleo
A Radio Astronomer with twin boys.

SRC,Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai,China

Jiahua ZJHuabc

University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

Chen Chao heiwa0519
A student from China University of Mining and Technology, researching on GNSS data processing, multi-sensor fusion and high precise positioning.

China University of Mining and Technology XuZhou, JiangSu Provience

Marin Govorcin mgovorcin

@NASAJPL Pasadena, CA

Nathaniel GeodeticCuriosity
Early career researcher interested in space geodesy and physics. Work with MATLAB, Python, Linux BASH, as well as other software to process GNSS, InSAR and othe
