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Yu Dou imdouyu

USTC Shanghai

Yummy 52Doraemon
Yonatan Berner yoberner
Student, M.S. in Computer Science at Georgia Institute of Technology | Founder & CEO @BernerTech


Showkatul Islam Shovon shov0n-mux
Just hanging aroung 👍

AMZ BizHub Dhaka, Bangladesh

Rushan Mukhutdinov RushanM
Game developer and Russian translator

Deflecta Russia


North Carolina

Mitul Patel bittricky

@MennyAI *・☾・。. • *・. • *・☆・

Authenticate Mbrown186
Great vibes and energy 100%

Fitz Just 4 U Ohio

D.B. Galeli itslazyvar
Indie iOS dev with a soft spot for SwiftUI


AkumaHunt3r AkumaHunt3r
I like to tinker with computers :)


Tea Larson-Hetrick temichelle13
MBA Student | Freelancer | Developer | Researcher | AI and Crypto

Walden University 97470

Big+ 4bigchoi23
🔫 Justice ain't gonna dispense itself. Someone has to fill this saddle.

Republic of Korea

Who_R_U tjx0722
Be a man.


pros pros2021
Change the world bit by bit in open source.。 Computer Programmer 。


🍀 XERA-2011
Tomorrow is also the same
Thiago Ramos thiagojramos
I'm Transbinary, Lesbic and Autist Rank SS

Rua Mariano Procópio, 37, Fortaleza-CE

Brody Young BrodyYoung
✨Full Stack Software Developer.全栈软件开发者。 ✨Stay hungry,Stay foolish. 终身学习,持续进步。道阻且长,行则将至。 ✨Java/ Golang/ Python/ JavaScript/ TypeScript/ Node.js

Beijing, China

Marc Carran marccarran

Sefton, Merseyside, England