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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Patrick Nsolo patrick-nsolo
Front End Web developer. Always learning

Lagos, Nigeria

Chris Birmingham chrisBirmingham
Senior Software Engineer at LexisNexis. Works in PHP and Python. Sometimes pretends to be a Rubyist

@LexisNexisRisk Somewhere in Nevada

Nemezidych attackerofclones
Ordinary student from St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg, Russia

David Reidsma hangrydave
Feel free to reach out!

Grand Rapids, Michigan

Dandelion Jacobson morbidlyocheese
Software Engineer, Gamedev, Artist

Software Engineer Portland, OR

Bitl Bitl
i code stuff. Creator of FIREFIGHT RELOADED, RBXLegacy and Novetus. Original creator of .fmbot.

Bitl Development Studios my house

Sir Vyvre the Lone OPStellar
Just a guy. Doing a job. Mostly construction.
