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Maximilian Haye MHajoha

Technical University of Berlin Germany

Igor Wolfs igorwolfs
M.Sc. Control Engineer with a passion for embedded and electronics. To get to my private repos, PM/add me on linkedin :)

DeZem GMBH Berlin

Max Genson backtail
Open Hardware and Open Source related projects /// Always into music

TU Berlin Berlin

Shuhan Miao ReacherMiao
A punk philosopher

TU Berlin

Simon Hobbs snhobbs
Optical measurement product design, circuit design, PCBs, embedded systems, FPGA development, and physics.

ElectroOptical Innovations New York, New York

Dirtrand Paul Heißklebepanzer koNrand
Studying Baumarktfeeling B.S. and führe besides professionelle Heißklebearbeiten durch. favorite subject are mixed signal electronics <3 gern mit Musik

opensynthesizer Berlin, Germany

Butch Warns butchwarns

Embedded Audio / DSP Berlin