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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Pandie pandietech

@AFewDragons London, UK

Aiden aidenbok203
dont know how to code

London, UK

Lyra lyraongithub
Just a girl who sometimes writes code. I never claimed to be good at it.

East Coast, Scotland

Sam Blewitt wotanut
2nd year computer science student @portsoc

United Kingdom

JackMGSY JackMcLeanGSY
Hello My name is Jack , I am 18 year old code developer and Flight simulator influencer That loves to code


Chris Ricketts cricketts497
Software engineer at Waters

Waters Corporation Manchester, UK

Adri AdriTheDev
VATSIM S1 Controller

United Kingdom

Luca Kulaga Lucak1011
Contributer to Vatsim UK Sector File

United Kingdom

Alice AliceFord

United Kingdom

Nathan Wong esteluk
Mobile developer

@Backbase London, UK

Kevin Gunn GunnyDev
Tech Lead - Financial Systems

Midlands - UK

Rish Saddiq rishab-alt
bad Programmer

Manchester , UK

Kristián Kunc kristiankunc

Prague, Czech Republic

Stuart Gall mutt13y
Systems Architect