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Cương Nguyễn cuong0993
Self-taught engineer

Optimizely Ha Noi

MobileMagic Ishiah4325
Senior Mobile Developer

Decatur, Georgia, United States

Doğu Deniz Uğur DoguD
Founder & Product Developer HKUST'25 Currently Building: FaceAI Exes:, Pubstory

DoFa Tech Yazilim Hizmetleri A.S. San Francisco

Nazar Nazarzbs
Self-taught iOS Developer👨🏻‍💻. Most familiar with Swift: UIKit🚀 and SwiftUI🏄.
Siyabend Ürün urunsiyabend

@play-Ard İzmir, Türkiye

Ben Gohlke ferrousguy
iOS developer and mentor. Also a scuba diver, lego maniac, and root beer enthusiast.

Orlando, FL

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Mike Packard NguyenPhongVN
Developer Swift

Remote Software Engineer Viet Nam

Egor Bondarev egor-bondarev
Hello! My name is Egor and I am QA Automation Engineer. These repositories I'm using for training with new technologies.
Thomas G Henry ThomasGHenry

Thomas G Henry LLC Remote

barbaros yıldırım bar61aros
software engineer

Turkish Technology Istanbul, Turkey

Anna apozdniakova
Frog says QA

@adaptyteam Tbilisi

Vladimir Gurinenko vgurinenko

Alanya, Antalya, Turkey

Slava Bereza betula
I Love minimalism, ikigai and wabi-sabi.


Dillenhub github-world192
我是dillen 我寫軟體


Matheus Cardoso cardoso
I'm passionate about the web platform and the open-source nature of it. I believe in conflating developer productivity with performance, security, and standards
Aditya Tyagi adityagi02
Swift turned Phoenix 🐦‍🔥󠀠


Michel Storms stormychel
I am a Freelance Apple Developer located in Belgium, with a background in architecture, manufacturing, machining and programming.

Michel Storms Belgium

Yii Chen chyiiiiiiiiiiii
Flutter Boy || Organizer FlutterTaipei || Writer, Speaker || wanna make Flutter strong in Taiwan.

Taipei, TW

Junaid Malik junaidpk
Experienced software engineer with practical knowledge of scaling web application using best practices.

Lahore, Pakistan

Xer Monkey-X-Byte
Full-Stack Developer

None ChengDu

Eugene Lisovskiy eugene-lisovskiy
Founder of, Ex-CEO of MAPS.ME – #1 travel maps with 150M installs globally, ex-CMO of - #1 e-book store in Russia & CIS (25M users)

Level Up Basketball Corp.



Rahul Yadav amayras


Şenol Şentürk senolsenturk
Social Network ID

Social Network ID Turkey

Shubham Pandey 1902shubh
Founder @papayacoders App/Web Developer. Love to Code ♥♥♥ Lucknow