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Buu NGUYEN buu-nguyen

@cake-digital-bank Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Joachim Rosskopf jrosskopf
Joachim works since 15y as dev. and consultant for software systems, architecture and processes. He's doing a PhD at Institute of Theoretical Physics in Ulm.

AnoFox & SparrowBI Donauwöth, Bavaria, Germany

Will Rieger wrieg123
Fintech & Quant Trading | Formerly Quant Dev @Point72

@ramp-public San Francisco, CA

Wonseok Yang wonseokyang-de
Data Engineer, Open Source Lover | Python, Spark, Airflow and Neovim

KB Data System Seoul, Korea

a fintwit


Automation bot for @timkpaine. Occasionally manually operated

@timkpaine NYC