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Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


andar1an andar1an
Jammin Music Founder

Jammin Music

Nick Liebmann Liebmann5
"And how about Marla Hooch. What a hitter." - A League of Their Own

Nashville, TN

Yvan da Silva YvanDaSilva
BSc in Computer Science specialized in Software Engineering from HEIG-VD (CH). Passionate about business development

SycllaDB Switzerland

Raju Usaithivr23
digital marketing

Usaithive New york

Stephen (Steve) Morgan rebelopsio
Sr. DevOps Engineer @ CloudQuery

CloudQuery Raleigh, NC

Parsa Azari parsaa74

Tehran, Iran

Paolo Giovannini paveletto99
Software Engineer, Dreamer, passionate about computer science and jazz music.

@DOIT-consulting Frontone

Ananta Bipal aatbip
Software Engineer
Tim Banks TimBanks
DevOps person, (S|I|P)aaS background, making NoSQL stores do things that no one thought possible. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, father, and advocate of beanless chili.

Austin, TX

Mads B. Cordes Mobilpadde
A fond believer in learning by doing, also known as breaking sheit 🤗

RiverOnlineGroup Odense, Denmark

Luke Mallon Nalum
Human, Father, Developer, Gamer Very interested in Kubernetes and Go.

Dublin Ireland

Carlos carbans
SRE at Mango // Founder of Nubulus Network Research

Mango & Nubulus Network World

Win Verma winverma
Your Techbro!

Vellore Institute of Technology India

David Montoya davidmontoyago
Prototypes. SRE @expel-io

@expel-io Chicago

Avindra Goolcharan avindra
Owner/user of: Pentium 4 → 98 → XP → Linux → Visual Basic .NET → JavaScript → C# → PHP → Shell/UNIX → C++ → Rust → Go → Threadripper →Core i9

United States New Jersey

Ivan Kozik ivan
See also @ludios & @ludiosarchive. My personal email comes only from [email protected].
Jeyaram Ashokraj jeyaramashok
Software Engineer

IBM Fremont, CA

prizrak2033 prizrak2033
Bill Nye uses my WiFi.
Prasad Saraf thisisprasad
There are exactly 10 types of people in this world. Ones who understand binary and others who don't!

Pune, India

MadokVaur MadokVaur
First web site using pico text editor over telnet, 94-95. Domain name up 98. Intrusion detection at home using iptables, PortSentry, Logcheck and Snort 99-03

Swift Water lands, Salish Sea, Cascadia, North America

tcardlab tcardlab
💡 Life Pro Tip – Toaster strudels taste better with Nutella

SAO, Null Island

Holger Hoffstätte hhoffstaette
Bug fixes & performance improvements

Applied Asynchrony R&D Cologne, Germany

Elias Wilken ewilken

Founder of @nautik-io Berlin

Sebastian Pietschner sebasptsch
Software enginering student down in Australia.


Blain Smith blainsmith
MS of CS candidate Go | Rust | C | Hare | Linux | Networking | Distributed Systems | Databases

@limeleaf-collective Saratoga Springs, NY