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Dmitrii Kuznetsov P1ecful

Russia, Moscow


Cringe Studio

Denis dkanukov
HSE student / Frontend-developer in @avito-tech
Serge theloveofcat

Volgograd, Russia

Tatiana TatianaSharova
Python developer experienced in Django. 👩‍💻
Yaroslav Gusev yarskii

СТД Петрович

Dmitry Gaskarov dmig0406
FE developer

Avito new Error('Not Implemented')

Dima Pavlov dfninja


Akim Akim567
.NET developer
Natalia lazuraim
education: School 21

Moscow, Russia

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Golang developer. -- Logging -- Heatlhcheck -- Monitoring -- These guys have taken my heart
Tiamiyu Sodiq sodex4real11
Software Engineering student at ALX.

ALX Lagos Nigeria

Andrei Safonov AndroidSaf
Data scientist with over 2 years of experience in data analysis and classic ML algorithms construction, mostly solving classification problems.

PJSC Sberbank Russia, Moscow

Tania Belyashnikova belyashnikovatn
Проектирование и разработка информационных систем.

Russia, Tyumen

Ivan Pavlov darleet
BMSTU Applied Mathematics and Computer Science student (@bmstu-iu9)

@bmstu-itstech Moscow, Russia

Ivan Maslennikov DestrMZ

Russian Federation, Moscow