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Rachele Rice RacheleRice
Full stack Java SDE. Founder I engineer novel solutions to real world problems. | I <3 Machine Learning!!!
weekndr_sec ndr-repo
Pentester, Ethical Hacker, DFIR Analyst. Living off the land since 2024.

New York, NY

Juanma jreypo
Senior TPM @Azure

Microsoft Madrid

KR. Laboratories krlabs
Information Technology Research and Development Labs

KR. Laboratories Lviv, Ukraine

TianYun-Liu ty33123
An assistant engineer

Chinese Academy of Sciences BeiJing

Karl Grindal kgrindal

University of New Hampshire Manchester, NH

Andrew ghobs91

Onshape New York, NY

PatrX PatrickBernard
System administrator Linux - Gamedev


Nikhil Desai nadesai
Aún aprendo

New York City

Seb Soroori sorooris
hehe / not hehe

@CZ-NIC, ex: @trezor, @czechtv Prague, CZ

James JamesAlfonse

@WhyDRS East Coast

Josie Ó Súileabháin Josie-OS
Anarchist Investigative Journalist, Open Source Researcher, Programming Student
Most of my code is over on GitLab instead, you can find my public profile here:


James Pearson pearswick
European Cybersecurity Correspondent, Reuters

Reuters London

Bari boskeyacht
rust and ml

Chicago, IL

Louise Deason derpson
Cat shuffler

@deepmind London

Starcj starcj929
⚙️ Siempre aprendiendo sobre hacking ético y programación de bajo nivel


Allison Turner Allison-Turner
computer nerd && devotee of mother anarchy

San Diego, CA