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Yanfeng Zhang youngorchuang
Genomics, Epigenetics, Non-coding RNA, Cancer Genetics, Autoimmune Disease, chromatin regulation

University of Alabama at Birmingham Birmingham, AL

Mitchell Edmunds mitches-got-glitches
Python programmer interested in data disciplines. Currently posted at Lloyds Banking Group as a Data Engineer.

Lloyds Banking Group Bristol

Wojtek Klimowicz wklimowicz
Economist at DfE.

Department for Education London, UK

Eli Pousson elipousson
I love old buildings and bicycles. Planner with the Baltimore City Department of Planning. Former preservationist @baltimoreheritage

Baltimore City Department of Planning Baltimore, MD

Rhian Davies StatsRhian
🧮 NHS Data Scientist @The-Strategy-Unit | 🗣️ Stats ambassador @royal-statistical-society | 👩‍💻 #RStats educator 💜 @nhs-r-community @rladies #rainbowR

@The-Strategy-Unit @nhs-r-community North Tyneside

Martin Salo salomartin
Tech founder with a 15-year track record in AI, merging deep industry knowledge with fresh innovations in my upcoming venture.


Jac Thomas jacacthomas
Data scientist with PhDs in Economics and Human Geography.

Liverpool, UK

Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


Qing Zhao qingzhao0512
Student of Southern Medical University. A nursing and public health student.

Southern Medical University

Emilio Enriquez jeenriquez
Data scientist, researcher, AI enthusiast, environmentalist, gardener.
TASM-Craig-Drury Craig-Drury

UK Department for Transport UK

Tom Pearson tompearson-Defra
Senior Statistical Officer / Data Scientist

Defra Bristol

Defra Farming Stats defra-farming-stats
Official GitHub profile for the Defra Farming Stats team.
Sarah Collyer sarahcollyer
Head of Reproducibility and Reproducible Analytical Pipelines at the Office for National Statistics
Flavius FlaviusRaducu
software engineer

@ONSdigital UK

Charlie Pinder pinderc
Head of Data Science QA in the Data, Analytics and Surveillance group, UKHSA


Mark MarkPaulin
Interested in open data and data visualisation.


Daniel dwinkler1
I am not a cat

@WU-RDS Vienna

Rowan Rushton Just-C0ding
Graduate Data Scientist

ONS Data Science Campus