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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Wyatt Walsh wyattowalsh
cookin' up some code 👨‍🍳 :octocat: :bowtie: :shipit: 📈

@jpmorganchase New York City, New York, United States of America

Ramzi Malhas ramzimalhas
my mission is to augment human intelligence. 👾

🏗️ @Life-Hackers-inc Dubai

Enki Psi EnkiElfe369
Multifaceted human


Arthur Turnbull Arrthurr

Arturo Solo LLC Goodyear, AZ

MG Accordingtomark

The Humble Estates Columbus, OH

Chris Tucker Mear chrismear
Zotrian. Spend most of my time in suspended animation.

@litmus Devon, UK

Jack Sittisak1991

@SBGITOrg @SBGITOrg Bangkok

Daniel abigbyte

Grand Canyon Education Phoenix, AZ

eg canering

Tampa, FL

Wonseok Yang wonseokyang-de
Data Engineer, Open Source Lover | Python, Spark, Airflow and Neovim

KB금융그룹 - KB데이타시스템 Seoul, Korea

b0rn-b0rked yttrm1
Each morning i stare myself in the eyes of my Facetime reflection and repeat "I'm not afraid of the internet."

Annapolis, MD, USA

DeklynHunt DeklynHunt
Python Green Horn


Jason Robert Duff duffshub
God damn unemployed!


jwoolson jwoolson

Listening Pictures Fredonia, NY

zacks zacksleo
TDD Full Stack Developer

@haolianluo Hangzhou,China

Glen Alex Porter Jr bitolodeonai7
Student of Media / Entertainment Technologies and Sciences

Ai Avatar Alliance, LLC Los Angeles, CA

Austin Lin austinylin
Security and Infrastructure

@facebook Washington, DC

Gianluca Dörnenburg gianluca-d

Founder & CEO @sgntrone, Co-Founder & CEO @4dnetwork Düsseldorf, Planet Earth

Ui Hyeon Lee iovsomnium
개발자를 희망하는 사람______________ People, who wants to become a developer


Joonkyo Kim rootwarp
Gopher, backend, Kubernetes. Validator @dsrvlabs

@dsrvlabs Seoul, South Korea

Maitani-Sakura Maitani-Sakura
Japanese AOSP Dev

@felica-droid @WitAqua @kisodev Japan

Trazzie InmateWorker
Would love for any advice on how to approcah coding. I’ve kinda been jumping around.😂
Chikita Isaac chikitai
New developer

Cash app United States