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LaboratorioLiA-BIM unifiBIM

University of Florence (DIDA) Florence

Jacopo Cassandro Cassa97
I'm Jacopo a PhD Candidate at Polytechnic of Milan. My research topic is focused on BIM, AI, Ontology, IFC, Semantic Web, Linked Data, project management

Polytechnic of Milan Milan, Italy

Ricardo Resende rresende

ISCTE-IUL Lisbon, Portugal

Dirk Arnez dirkarnez
Freelance Software Engineer | Composer | Mixer | Multi-instrumentalist

Freelance Hong Kong

Jens Calisti lateshift
ヘ( ̄ー ̄ヘ)


Maarten Vroegindeweij DutchSailor
Structural/Building Engineer

Engineer/Entrepeneur Rotterdam Area, the Netherlands

Pepijn van der Vooren PepijnVanDerVooren

IMPlace B.V. Utrecht, the Netherlands

Hendrik Park hendrikpark

Digipark OÜ Estonia


@sd-plus Genève

Kevin van der Vliet kevinmimir
Advisor Data Management | CAB Dutch Built Environment | Open source for Dutch social housing | Public Money = Public Code

KleurrijkWonen Tiel

Yousheng youshengCode
Open for code, café and curiosity.

buildingSMART International Paris, France

Lucien LucienZhang

Indeed @indeedeng Tokyo ⇄ China


EGM Architects

Carl Storms TheBIMsider
I'm an old dog trying to learn some new coding tricks

Newforma Calgary, AB

ArturTomczak atomczak

@buildingSMART Oslo

Jeffrey W. Ouellette jwouellette
Progress Advocate for the Built Asset Industry

Austin, TX

Tim McGinley timmcginley

DTU Construct / Future Tools Copenhagen