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Surafel Tariku dalyathan
FullStack Developer

Pine Labs, eTech, Ablaze Labs, twoMatches, Cnet Software Technologies

Willian Rochadel wrochadel
Ph.D. in Knowledge Engineering and Management from UFSC, with a B.Sc. in Information and Communication Technologies (UFSC) and Technician in Electrotechnics

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina @UFSC Dresden, Germany

Werner Dobrautz dobrautz
PostDoc at Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden working to enable accurate quantum chemistry on near-term Quantum Computers

Gothenburg, Sweden

Hai Zhu haiszhu
CCM @flatironinstitute good good study, day day up...

Flatiron Institute New York

Mathematics at Cambridge


Riya Bisht b1shtream
21, interested in Computer Architecture & exploring low-level systems

@vicharak-in [email protected]

MuhammadAnwar 2019mohamed
Graphs Graphon. DL R&D researcher @Proteinea


Matt Shaffer wx-b

RIOS Palo Alto, CA

Gentian zavala92

CASUS - HZDR Germany

Nikita Shutterbug2109
Pursuing MSc in Embedded Systems with interest in Computer vision, Machine Learning and Data Science. I am a hobby photographer with a dream to travel the world


Azhir azhir
PhD Machine Learning UCL | MA Astrophysics University of Cambridge
Mohammed Tousif Zaman zamantousif
Interested in Robotics, Autonomous Vehicles, Games, Software and much more.

GIM Robotics Oy Finland

Johannes Wasmer Irratzo
Electronic structure learning, atomistic machine learning, AI4Science, open science, research software engineering

Forschungszentrum Jülich Jülich, Germany

Samuel Pantze smlpt
PhD student at CASUS Görlitz. 3D art enthusiast.

@casus Görlitz, Germany

Sebastian Schwalbe theonov13
Interested in programming languages (Python, Julia) and their educational and effective usage in computational science.

CASUS Görlitz, Germany

Klaus Steiniger steindev

@ComputationalRadiationPhysics Dresden, Germany

A Chinese Guy Loves Lionel Messi

Yunnan University China

Inês Silva ecoisilva

CASUS - HZDR Germany

Anass Halime AnassHalimeSE
Als Softwareentwickler spezialisiere ich mich auf Webentwicklung, Data Science und Künstliche Intelligenz. Der Fokus liegt auf praxisorientierten Anwendungen.

SOFTGENIX Rheinland-Pfalz

Lenz Fiedler RandomDefaultUser
Postdoctoral researcher at CASUS, developing and applying software to build machine-learning density functional theory models. Core developer of the MALA code

@casus Görlitz / Dresden

Dominik Sturm dominiksturm

Technical University Dresden Dresden, Germany