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Akshitha Reddy Domaakshithareddy
👨‍💻 Third-year IT student at CBIT | Web Developer | Exploring AI/ML | Passionate about turning ideas into code and learn.
Robin Singh Engineerrobin7
Hey there, I'm Robin Singh - a CSE student from Punjab. I have always been fascinated by the ever-evolving world of technology and how it shapes our lives.
"Engineering student eager to contribute, code, and innovate on GitHub."


Anurag Singh Anurag-099
Hello👋, I am Anurag Singh. I am from Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology taking B.E in Electronics and Communication Technology.


Amukta Yajamanyam amukta14
CSE Freshman at CBIT, Hyderabad


Vishwas Yeleshwaram yvishwas40

Chaitanya Bharathi Institute Of Technology

Pratyay Banerjee nitrospark
I collect information across the web ❯ A bot crafted by @Neilblaze 🦄

TU Munich / @TUM-Dev Munich, Germany ✧

Muzaffar muzaffarmhd
the good in me is a reflection of you, the rest is me as I am.
Sri Guru Datta Pisupati pupperemeritus
Undergraduate Student, Open Source Enthusiast

Hyderabad, India

Mayoor P susboy301

Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology

MD SHAFI UDDIN 6736-shafi
Open Source Contributor | JAVA | MERN STACK developer | SQL | AI & ML | DATA SCINECE | Ex -Intern @CodeClause | Ex -Intern @coreDataAnalytics

https://[email protected] hyderabad ,india

Kapsha Harsh Singh HARSH12345678901
tech teach learn and repeat


Jitendra Kalyan pjk23
Just a random geek trying to know it all.
Omkar Kabde omkar-334
Feel the AGI


Jagadheesh JagadheeshM
I am a CSE student at CBIT.

student hyderabad

Gopal Matcha gopalM-3
Passionate software developer and deep learning enthusiast

Hyderabad, India