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Pavel Jezek srpwnd
select star;

@strvcom Czech Republic

Hakan Erduman aquaherd
A working class coder is something to be!


Sudan Chapagain sudanchapagain
somewhere doing something.

Kathmandu, Nepal

Martin von Reichenberg MartinVonReichenberg
I am here to expand the nostalgic geekyness of my curiosity about hacking and tweaking of previous and today's technology.I Want to help others with convenience

Liberec, Czechia

Gagan Malvi gaganmalvi
Platform engineer by day, designer by night. Founder @StyxProject.

@AOSPA | @StyxProject Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

Crap kitty


FMH (@gema_naranyala) naranyala
watch, tweak, and analyze


haruki7049 haruki7049
I can not speak English well


Brian M Johnson Brian-M-J
Student. AI, Mojo and Python enthusiast.
Zig is the latest fad in my dumpster that is a github account
t3mp0r4ry t3mp0r4ry23
someone on the interwebs🏳️‍⚧️
Guilhem Baccialone Guiglin

Legrand Paris, France

Eremite's Point 3r3m1t3
[prototype] A non-profit informal scientific & business dating club & lab. Please, feel free to explore the capabilities and develop the idea.

Umbrella Int. Glocal

i have no mouth and i must beatbox
Dmitri Chudinov dimmus
Professional C-developer. EFL and Enlightenment enthusiast.

@iritur Russia, Siberia

harlow foxworthy tungstengmd
professional trans idiot
Culture.Support CulturesSupports
We Develops Code Editor

Culture.Support Code Editor

Charles Dong chardoncs
Grad student & (former) Software Engineer | Trilingual | Arch btw | Neovim btw | X4 btw | 🦀🐍🦎🐫

Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University localhost

Web Developer!


Daniel Azevedo dani-77
Arch, Void, Venom, CRUX... Corebooted machines.

Oporto, Portugal

OK Ryoko ok-ryoko
Moves slowly and breaks everything


ender non EnderNon
tech otakus destroy the world

Chief Hut, Avos Territory, Corkus Scattered Mirror of the Storm

imbruxo voidbruxo
Just a Geek and Nerd Guy 😃 🧑‍💻

Ardabil, Iran

斯是陋室 we would sing

Wuhan University

Baggybawz baggybawz21
Am bringing Shexxy bk
Max Walters theycallhermax
i like women
