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Eliécer eliecerhf

@DexKit Venezuela

thomas clyde blackburn DrShepard1
i worked with Dr. craig wright among others but in creating bitcoin please dont hate me guys haha there is no denying craig was clealrly the leader/invetor


Erno Tikkanen VirtualAjatus

KMI-017 Iisalmi Finland

Mike Cohen mijoco-btc
Decentralised applications, smart contracts on Bitcoin. Clarity - state of the art blockchain programming language.

The Clarity Lab Brighton UK

GhettoNerdsDev GhettoNerdsDev

GhettoNerds Development Jamaica, New York

abc0xmattyic333 abc0xmattyic333
彡 || ;; sie haben den betreiber gefunden 🥶🧊 || ⓗ𝐞/нᎥ𝕞 || 彡 ⚡️ ♦️


Ryan ryanwaits
ser this is a wendy's

Hiro PBC Austin, TX

Adam Carlson adamcarlson1
Building the future...


Larry Salibra larrysalibra

@newinternetlabs Hong Kong

Paul Owe paulowe
Data and ML Engineer - Designing cloud architecture and AI systems

Toronto, Canada

Aftab Ahmed AftabAhmedAbro
MS Scholar | Machine Learning Engineer | xCS @ Sukkur IBA | Figma Community Advocate | Intel x Microsoft Student Ambassador

Sukkur IBA University Earth

Ricardo Silva rics

DB1 Maringá, PR - Brasil

Diwaker Gupta diwakergupta

@hirosystems @stxpub World

lz1 v1091cl4