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jack polanczuk jones un-simp
be tired, cry at your system cause it breaks for no reason

Amphe Co /home/un!

Batuhan Never-Developer
11th Grade, Turkiye Game dev, GDD, Animator 6 year scratch experience (now he using turbowarp and penguinmod)
DizzyAwe dizzyawe
makeding NILGAMES
kkk2z kkk2z
どうも私は日本人ですね Scratchはk9k9g9g9(元kkk2z) Discordもkkk2z Twitterはkkk2z1です 学生ですので
LittleBlueGamer LittleBlueGamer427
idiot who decided to be a gamedev do not misgender
ThatBeaverDev ThatBeaverDev

@Terravast-Game Northumberland

Crystal Fur cryfurstudios
High schooler in New York City, who likes to jump from project to project.

Bronx, NY

Kabez Kabezz

In Your Walls

Nicsena Nicsena
Rarely on GitHub. Busy with Life.
BarrierFalki Falkimore
the fnf programming guy
Vivi ViMiDeveloper
Erm... I luv Hot Chocolate <3
ComputerGuy Ocean-OS
I program stuff


I'm a teenage gamer / game-maker with mild anger issues. Now click that follow button or else.

i fly solo in ur walls (united states)

delusions delusionsGH
hello - i am Polish (residing in the UK) - i am good at coding - the previous statement is a lie

check behind you


@Snail-IDE The United States

lpxyza RealLordPenguin
Hiya! I'm a Digital Circus fan and I use Windows 10! ❤️

@Splash-Media-Co at ur mother's house

Mike J. Renaker / "MikeDEV" MikeDev101
Duck enthusiast gone quack | WebRTC and Golang enthusiast | Former lead of @meower-media

@cloudlink-omega Somewhere with a lot of ducks