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Elias Leinenweber elias-lnwbr
R&D Engineer

@ProvenRun Paris, France

Alex Myczko alexmyczko
@Debian Developer. Contributor to @openstreetmap. @gnustep, @  and @Homebrew fan.

ETH Zurich (PHYS/BAUG/BIOL) + @Debian To infinity and beyond.

jiaojinxing jiaojinxing

ACOINFO Beijing, China

Eero Volotinen EeroV
Security Expert. Linux guy. Fiberman.
Alin Antohe alin-antohe
Software Engineering Manager


Liam Gray LiamDGray
Generalist: Analyst, developer, engineer, maker, programmer, and writer.

Liam Gray Software Labs Tucson, Arizona, USA