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Hello, this is my try to learning programming language. I was registered here to see the progress of my self learning. And maby to find a job
Dmitrij Koniajev dimchansky

Monetha Vilnius, Lithuania

Vladimir Vialov oresamp
🎧 audio programmer

ASK Industries GmbH Regensburg

Phumelela Mdluli phume03
C.S. & Econ. B.A. Graduate Lake Forest College '15

New Breed Designs (Unregistered) Eswatini

Aisling Fontaine FireInsidE-fie
your local minori fan, devnori!


nori li thenorili
twitter: @thenorili | email: "NoriLi" + "Mail" + ""
David Gaal gaaldvd
Lives in a hole under an old oak.

Budapest, Hungary

Michał Małyska mmalyska

@DocPlanner Poland: Warszawa

Se Bastian essto

Szczecin, Poland

Dawid Sygocki Dove6
Studying Cybersec at Warsaw University of Technology. Using programming for solving problems but ending up creating even more of them.
Evelina baranauskuevelina
Talk python to me🐍 print('Open to hire!')


LegoLoco7 LegoLoco7
hd snoc

I am 100 meters from your location and approaching rapidly.

Mathieu Schroeter Skywalker13
Chief Orc

@Xcraft-Inc, @epsitec-sa Switzerland

Gaurav Prajapati gaurav5-5
Third Year Engineering at MIT-WPU


Donald Gjoka DonaldGjoka
Just a student working on his CS Degree.

United States

Yesica Rodriguez YesRv
Principiante en el análisis de datos, con interés en aprender y aplicar técnicas de análisis exploratorio, visualización de datos y machine learning.

Cartagena, Colombia

Patrick Robert paradiddle16
Drummer-samplist-sound designer and occasional coder.

Montreal, Canadadada

Adam Handke adam-handke
Machine Learning Engineer


Alejandro Bonilla abonillabeeche

SUSE Jacksonville, Florida

Vincent Prouchet VincentProuchet
Dévelopeur JAVA | Spring | Angular | Web | REST

France, Béziers

Zefir ZefirAndph

Andph Central Europe/Czech

Jean-Baptiste Richardet JbIPS
CTO @ Cameo, Fullstack JS developer on my own and vice-president of @silexlabs

Cameo Paris, France