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Stevie Huh stephenhuh
become the best engineer ever

New York

(ACOTEC) Versatile, Creative, EasyGoing, Descpline Love learning and enjoy working with others. 7️⃣LOVER OF(A➖C➖T)AnythingComputer&Technology7️⃣
HVG-Ninja's sagar-vaghela
My works: ✔ NextJs, ReactJS, Redux, NodeJs, NestJs, Prisma, ChatGPT, Mongo, Postgres ✔ JavaScript/TypeScript, GatsBy, Supabess ✔ API Integration,Responsive

Pune, India

eg canering

Tampa, FL

NATHAN ANDREW TURNER illuminated-shade The Open Network

Salman Asad zee-rox
Machine Learning Engineer | Computer Vision | Air University, Islamabad '24