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YH GUINV yhjiango
,the fool who does not belong to this era ......
自然选择 NaturalSelect
Storage System Engineer | CNCF @cubefs Committer

Chengdu University of Information Technology China

阿洋 xinzhuxiansheng
Apache SkyWalking Contributor | Apache Kafka Contributor | Apache Flink Kubernetes Operator Contributor | Apache StreamPark PPMC member


GITSRC gitsrc
AI | CloudNative | Blockchain | Security practitioner, Web3.0 researcher and builder, co-founder of @IceFireLabs

@IceFireDB @FlowShield @HiveMesh @IceGiant-Project @IceFireLabs IceFireLabs

Till Wegmüller Toasterson
Love OpenSource and the Community. Maintainer for the OpenIndiana Project.

@OpenFlowLabs Niederweningen, Switzerland

Huantian Lv lvhuantian
Stay hungry, stay foolish.
Sarracenia Sarracen1a

爱 爱 爱 爱不完~ Macau

hoey hoey94

Juneyaoair Shanghai, China.

李月喜,公众号ToB Dev,微信tobdevlyx,关注企业微信等B端开发。


paradox geeeeeeker
I do and I understand Hangzhou, China

ChunFuWu wuchunfu
Open Source Enthusiast; Committer of @apache SeaTunnel; Contributor of @apache DolphinScheduler, and etc. BigData, CloudNative, DevOps


daiwei daiwei

Nanjing, China

Majid Azimi majidazimi

@DataReply Munich, Germany

may the code be with us
CodeforFun forfd8960
coding to the moon


李云龙 iuyes


Harvey Lau bladehliu
Creator of CubeFS and Vearch


itpey itpey
Zero and One Designer.


guaguastandup guaguastandup

University of Science and Technology of China Hefei, China

Gong Yuwei tianqiongenze
Students of Master of Applied Computing in Tayor's University

Taylor's University

Edward Fernandes edwardfernandes
Software Engineer

Curitiba, Parana, Brazil

lzjqsdd lzjqsdd
Love Technology, Love Life

UCAS-ICT Beijing,Haidian