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Monesh Venkul Vommi moneshvenkul
🚀 Senior Full Stack Developer | Vue.js 🎨 React ⚛️ Angular 🅰️ Node.js 🌐 Python 🐍 Django | Java Spring Boot ☕ TypeScript 📜 SQL & NoSQL 💾 | Microservices

Capital One New Haven, Connecticut

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Zeon zeon-neon
im @NeonGamerBot-QK bot called zeon.


Nicholas DePhillip nicholasde
IT Professional. Studied Computer Science at University of Maryland.

Custom Ink Fairfax, VA

Wesley Scholl konjoinfinity
Front End Engineer | Mobile Engineer | Full Stack Developer | Crypto & Blockchain Consultant | IT Solutions Expert

Washington, DC

Nikki H Serenitychic
Fuññ stack global software, analytics, compliance & deployment developer. Crypto development pro

[email protected] Wisconsin

NextGenTechLLC ngentechllc
A company specializing in web design/development, SEO, app design/development, consulting, and much more. We provide award-winning solution-based services.

NextGenTech, LLC Philadelphia, PA

b0rn-b0rked yttrm1
Each morning i stare myself in the eyes of my Facetime reflection and repeat "I'm not afraid of the internet."

Annapolis, MD, USA

Magnus Jurdal Magnus6803
Hi to the world

MJ Kontorsservice Johan Printz väg 18B

Vojtěch Kusý wojtha
Engineering manager at @customink, father, Ph.D., geek. PAST: @SpaceKnow, @datafiduciary, Co-founder of @InlineManual, Drupal CMS maintainer

@customink Prague, Czech Republic

Corinne Iannitto corinne-i
Product Management (Accounts)
Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Gary Tou garyhtou
Engineering Manager, @hackclub

@hackclub Engineering Seattle

Michael Wang CaptMichael
QA Engineer

Custom Ink Derwood, MD

Oscar Ortiz oscarlaf03
tests are your friends

São Paulo

Easy Scraping easy-scraping
Easy Scraping Tools.



Idfk Milky Way, Earth

Tyler M. Neher tylermneher
@neherdata - Owner // University of Central Florida // Reach for the stars //

@neherdata Tinton Falls, New Jersey, United States

Kevin Kurpe kevinkurpe

Saint Petersburg, FL

Kihaya Sugiura kihaya
Reading Wookieepedia during working time frequently.

Tokyo, Japan

Branko Vukmirović branevukmirovic

ITechnology Sejkina 25 / 1P, Beograd, Srbija, 11000

Chris Impicciche Peechiz
Creating the tech debt of tomorrow, today!

@customink Chicago, IL

Liam Williams Williamsliam23
Software Developer | JavaScript | Ruby on Rails

Carrolltion, Texas