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Brandt Cormorant brandtcormorant
Diving deep beneath the waves to get some dinner.
Danny McClanahan cosmicexplorer
typing free software to break the shoulders of giants from golden handcuffs

DC baby!!!!!

Leslie Owusu-Appiah LeslieOA

Casa Famiglia | Novoda | localhost % Terra

Taron Foxworth anaptfox

Developer Advocate @meroxadata CIncinnati, Ohio

i have no mouth and i must beatbox
Richard J. Safier rsafier
R&D Lightning Ops Engineer @ ZBD Plebnet Playground


Varun Krishna S vhawk19
Think, Code, Repeat.

Govt. Model Engineering College Kerala, India.

@RandyMcMillan RandyMcMillan
Operations Specialist @usnavy E616FA7221A1613E5B99206297966C06 BB06757B

@bitcoincore-dev ₿:8333

Marco Argentieri tiero
Orange coin

@ArkLabsHQ @ark-network Lugano

223880⚡️ 22388o
Junior Timechain Engineer on ₿itcoin/Lightning Network / Cryptography/Nostr

@Bitcoin / @AreaLayer / @Horus-Org / @FrostDevKit Bitcoin / Lightning Network / Nostr

Someone SomeoneSerge
Applied mathematics, inverse graphics, computer vision (dense image correspondences), Nix

Independent + Aalto U, former HSE & Skoltech Helsinki, FI

saurshaz saurshaz
Developer - JS/TS, Python, Node Data Engineering - ELT & Data Visualisation, EDA DevOps - Containerisation & Clouds Infrastructures

@applerdotxyz Goa

Luke Simmons Skyluker4
I like computers.

The University of Arkansas Fayettville, AR

Syntax TheUltDev

@kat-tax ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Dr. Maxim Orlovsky dr-orlovsky
Researcher, engineer, transhumanist. @RGB-WG @BP-WG @LNP-WG @cyphernet-labs @AluVM @strict-types creator & lead engineer. // MD, PhD (Neuroscience)

@Pandora-Prime Zug


San Bernardino, CA

Daejung Kim daejungkim
Software Engineer

LG Electronics Inc.

Psionic K psionic-k
Software engineer, Chief Bootstrapping Officer, high templar

Positron Solutions Seoul

Just a person who likes games and computers.


Kaleb Kaleb47
Cypherpunks write Code! 💻🔥

Blockchain Center Cyberforest

David M. Golembiowski dmgolembiowski
"Mathematicians, go forth and multiply" -Steve Wozniak
Tony Gorez tony-go
systems engineer | @nodejs diagnostic WG | @NodeSecure

Postman Paris, FR

Emil Sayahi emmyoh
Professional code wizard 🧙‍♂️

Oxford, OH

Jacky Zhao jackyzha0
independent research, distributed systems, interaction design, and enjoying sunsets

@replit San Francisco