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Oriol Colomé Font oriolcolomefont
I am a musician and a music scientist. Growth Lead & Product Owner at @My-Sheet-Music-Transcriptions

My Sheet Music Transcriptions Barcelona

Rachel Tan rachel-tanhao
Full-Stack Developer & Art Lover

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

joanne joannefan
Computer Science and Cognitive & Brain Sciences @ Tufts University.
Enrica Di Rado enricadirado
Digital Humanities student at University of Pisa - willing to explore the possibilites of outlook -

University of Pisa Pisa

Aspiring bioinformaticist, Dart/TS/Python dev, and professional nerd. || UBC CS

Vancouver, Canada

Tanya Sonker tanya-sonker
Santa Clara University Alum | SWE
Ilias Kyriazis ikyriazi

Austrian National Library Vienna

Muskula Rahul iamrahulreddy
A passionate computer enthusiast with a deep interest in cloud computing, cybersecurity & ai. A self-proclaimed meme connoisseur😊😎


Idil Idillonge
Undergraduate History student looking to make the switch to game development and UI/UX design.


Faizon Zaman dishmint
Art / Lang / Code


QZ.Cai qingzicai
Digital Humanity Researcher | Computational Sociology Explorer | Web Developer | Technology for Positive Impact
ariel hahn aireuhl
information worker

LA Metro tovaangar

Marissa Salas Marissa4887
Digital humanities and media PhD student + Public affairs professional

U of Central Florida Orlando, FL

Evan J. Nee evanjnee
Technologist | Web Dev | Designer

@MAXX-Potential Norfolk, VA

Makers of Quad Operator for eurorack and other fine things to come.

Humble Audio San Francisco CA

Shannon shannonmatloob

@Neat-Strategies Los Angeles, CA

tomo nondescryptid
maker of casual inferences, never causal ones / fighting a losing battle with getting wifi on my samsung galaxy s2 with postmarketos


Justin Aptaker japtaker
I want to make the world a better place.

WeFuture.Us USA

Tommi xplosionmind
I pretend to understand code

A galaxy far, far away

Chef Robert Danhi RobertDanhi
Robert Danhi is a chef entrepreneur and F&B thought leader, writing and sharing passionate expertise for curating culture, developing flavors, and R&D.

Chef Danhi & Co. Los Angeles

Will Shin willshin-datascientist
Something about AI/ML, data cleaning, data viz, and all that zero-zero-zero-destruct-zero...

Houston, TX

Elizabeth Yalkut elizabethyalkut


Michael D mademone
Pattern-seeking, story-telling animal.
Wanru Zhao Ryan0v0
Do not go gentle into that good night🪐🧗 Cambridge Machine Learning Systems Lab & Vector Institute. Prev: AWS AI Lab.

University of Cambridge

Aoife aoifeml

Cambridge, MA

Code Revisited qdriven


Matt Triano MattTriano
Data Engineer/Scientist focused on engineering impactful solutions to interesting problems.

Chicago, IL

Iturbides iturbides
Front-end web developer, journalist and writer. Lover of user-focused websites, simple and easy to browse. Creator of

Barcelona, Spain